
Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing's Cruelty

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Imagine being in a room, where pets were being tortured by getting burned, being injected, having wires put inside them, being poisoned, etc... How would that make you feel? Doesn't sound like the best experience, right? Well, for most animals that are involved in Animal Testing, this is what happens to them...well...pretty much all the time. Even worse, it’s almost always against their will. Innocent creatures get taken and put into horrible living conditions, just to be used for testing, and treated without love, affection, or attention. They also can suffer horrible deaths or mistreatment. Animal Testing needs to be stopped because it’s cruelty, and there are better alternatives.

Animal Testing brings harm to the animals, both mentally and physically. Here are a few examples: At Virginia Commonwealth University, an experimental rabbit …show more content…

Some alternatives would be: In Vitro Testing, In Silico Testing, and Human Volunteers. In Vitro Testing is the use of cells to study multiple things, such as drugs and how they work, In Silico Testing is drug discovery with virtual screening, and Human Volunteers is when people volunteer to be tested on. The alternatives for Animal Testing prevent animal discomfort, but allow research to continue. Animal Testing can prove unnecessary, especially with better alternatives that actually work. Although animals and humans have most of the same organs, that doesn’t necessarily mean they function the same way. After testing a certain product on animals multiple times and finding it finally works on them, that doesn’t mean it will work on humans. Animals tend to have different aspects to their bodies and organs that are different from ours. So why are these innocent animals continuously being tortured? It’s just a waste of animals. We should value the lives of animals, just as we value our

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