Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing

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Imagine your pet getting ingredients dripped into their eyes, smearing them onto their skin, injecting them into their bodies, force-feeding them, or making them inhale substances to see if they are harmful. You wouldn't want your pet to go through that so why make other animals?Animals should not be abused to test human products or chemicals. In the first place, they don't need to test on animals. There are other options. They don't need to abuse and kill the animals for human purposes. For example, in the article “Life Saving Research vs. Animal Welfare” it states: “There are other options for testing that do not involve euthanizing animal subjects. One involves in vitro experiments- tests on tissues in test tubes. In this process scientists …show more content…

The other ways wouldn't cost as much. If there are other ways why waste money to do the same thing. On they state: “Animal tests are more expensive than alternative methods and are a waste of government research dollars.” We shouldn't be wasting money on something that is hurting animals and costs a lot more money then doing the same thing. There is no point you are just killing animals when you could be saving them. Other ways are less expensive and they can use the money on something else important that would help everyone. We would get a lot more out of the money we had if we didn't test on animals but their tissue and get the same results but in a easier and safer method that saves government research dollars that we could use on something just as important. All in all, we dont need to be wasting money when there are other options that are less …show more content…

According to the database “Using Animals for Medical Testing is Unethical and Unnecessary”: “ Before their deaths some are forced to inhale toxic fumes, others are immobilized in restraint devices for hours, some have holes drilled into their skulls, and others have their skin burned off or their spinal cords crushed. In addition to the torment of the actual experiments, animals in laboratories are deprived of everything that is natural and important to them-they are confined to barron cages, socially isolated, and psychologically traumatized. They think, feeling animals who are used in experiments are treated nothing like and nothing more than disposable laboratory equipment. This shows that they are treated horribly and they don't care if the animals get hurt. They don't bother to make them feel like they are where they are supposed to be and so they don't act how they normally would which could throw off the results of the product testing. They just hurt the animals for no reason at all. They wouldn’t need to treat them so horribly if they used alternate methods. When the do this they animals would get very scared and it wouldn’t be good for when they are testing on them. Thus this shows how terrible the animals are treated and how its not

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