
Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Katie King, Makala Mattox, Ryan Romine English 12 Ms. Distelrath 5 January 2017 CON: Animal Testing Would a person give their loving pet to people to poke and torture for the chance to find a cure? If not then why are we doing it with other animals? Experimentation on animals is unnecessary and inhumane. Animal testing has aided in the development of countless medicines and treatments for humans and animals. However, this same kind of testing can be done without capturing and performing cruel experiments on wild animals for much less money. Our government spends billions of dollars everyday to capture animals from their natural habitat and bring them to unsanitary closed off labs to be experimented on in cruel and neglectful ways. Although …show more content…

An alternative to animal testing would be an in glass in vitro testing. This type of testing involves a study of cells in a petri dish and in the past has shown more accurate results than animal testing. This is because human cells are being used. Computer models of human molecules also can detect how toxic a substance is which is safer, more accurate, and does not require an animal test subject. But not only are these alternative methods safer, they are much less expensive. An animal test usually costs around $32,000, while an in vitro test costs $11,000. The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) spends nearly half of its $31 billion budget on animal research. This cost could be greatly reduced if labs used the safer alternative methods mentioned above. Said by (Kara Rogers), "Scientific Alternatives to Animal Testing: A Progress Report," britannica.com, Sep. 17, 2007 Humane Society International, "Costs of Animal and Non-Animal Testing," hsi.org (accessed Oct. 15, 2013) Kathleen Conlee, "Animal Testing Not Effective," live.huffingtonpost.com, July 12, 2013 US National Institutes of Health, "NIH Budget," nih.gov (accessed Oct. 15, 2013) Geoff Watts, "Alternatives to Animal Experimentation," BMJ, Jan. 27, …show more content…

Although Chimps may share 99% of their DNA with us humans, that 1% is a massive difference. However, In a article Kate Wong wrote she states, “That 1% is what gives us our bipedal stance and the ability to plan missions to Mars. Comparing the 33 percent of our genome that codes for proteins with our relatives' genomes reveals that although the sum total of our genetic differences is small, the individual differences pervade the genome, affecting each of our chromosomes in numerous ways.” What this means is that although we are very similar to Chimpanzees, our minds work in different ways. In addition, Natalie Wolchover of livescience states that “pound for pound, Chimps are two to three times stronger than humans” and this is due to a greater muscle density in the chimps. Therefore, this may inhibit testing and show that the animals are not adequate test

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