Animal Testing Is Not Worth The Cost Of Life Essay

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Animals as much as you love them, hate them, so do they deserve to suffer? I mean come on people they think, they live, they can feel sad too. They can have extraordinary intelligence they can help us, they can be our companions, they can be our friends. They are worth much more than a scientist lab rat. Yes testing may be necessary to get us medicine but is it worth killing or harming animals? Animal testing is not worth the cost of life.
Animals are used for scientist to test out theories, medicine, and other life saving material. But more than a million animals are killed each year just for test. Those animals include mice, rats, frogs, dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, fish, and birds. The testing may not be harmful, …show more content…

As early as Greek physicians or scientist such as Aristotle animals have been tested. But people haven 't been happy about it recently, recently being within the last 200 years. Theodore Roosevelt once said on this topic, “Common sense without conscience may lead to crime, but conscience without common sense may lead to folly, which is the handmaiden of crime.” Which means thinking without caring for others or other thing leads to crime but lack of common sense even with conscience may lead to folly or foolishness, which practically is crime. People have not agreed with animal testing for centuries but it is hard to stop because there is always the argument of, “We need medicine and the only way to do that is to test on animals.” Where are we gonna be when we can’t test on animals. Not all animal testing is of biologist trying to cure diseases though, a large part is also of medical students or biological students using them for lessons. They don’t just use the frogs like they do in movies they use rabbits, dogs, cats, and many more just to learn on. Of course we need the next geniuses to figure things out for us and future generations, but do they have to test on living animals. We can’t just find some rare species nobody has ever heard of then go test on it, because then it ends up dieing and we’ve lost a rare species. We can’t always test on living