
Animal Welfare Debate

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Animal Welfare means the state of the animal, Animal Rights however is rights believed to belong to animals to live free from use in medical research, hunting, and other services to humans. Many people debate wether or not these two are the same, in the two articles I have read, I was showed the differences and similarities of the two. In the first article I read, “The Farm Animal Welfare Debate” by
F. Bailey Norwood and Jayson L. Lusk, it was stated that many of the livestock industry has tended to focus less on the things that actually happen on the farm and focus more on two red herrings. One of the two red herrings being dismissing animal rights arguments with the fact that their ultimate goal is not to improve animal welfare but to …show more content…

It is argued that the current livestock management is based on science, while the animal advocacy is based on emotion. Many of the industries, like The Untied Egg Produces, (UEP) also argue that they are based on sound sciences while others, like The Humane Society of United States, is not. The UEP is based on information given by an independent scientific committee, this committee recently made many recommendations based on scientific evidence that would improve animal welfare. The Humane Society did many studies proving that the the ideas UEP had were, good but showed no difference in the animals welfare. For example increasing space per hen from 48 to 67 square inches and the elimination of forced molting. It was proven that the animals showed no difference when in a cage barley bigger than their body size, and a cage much …show more content…

There are studies showing that many laboratories in fact do not harm the animals intentionally. It has just been believed for so long many people refuse to see any different. In both of these articles there are many facts about animals. How they live, how they're treated, the rights that they have as animals. Both articles are talking about the same things, animals being safe. Even though they are debating about basically the same thing, there are many differences between animal rights and animal welfare. Animal welfare is a specific animals state of being, the animals safety. Animal rights are the rights of a specific animal. The right that the animal has as a living creature, and the right that animal has to not be used as an experiment, or not to be hunted to its death in its

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