Anna Sewell Black Beauty Analysis

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Black Beauty by Anna Sewell teaches a lesson to treat animals with respect. This story is about a horse’s journey through life and all the good and bad times in his life. I really enjoyed reading this book because it showed a different perspective which was through the eyes of a horse. Also, the book was well written and it gave a glimpse of how animals were mistreated back then. Although there were some sad parts in the book, there were many moments of happiness that made it a joy to read. While reading this book, the theme that stood out to me the most was to treat animals with respect. An example in the book was in Chapter 1 and it says, “There was a plowboy, Dick, who sometimes came into our field to pluck blackberries from the hedge. When he had eaten all he wanted he would have what he called fun with the colts, throwing stones and sticks at them to make them gallop. We did not much mind him, for we could gallop off; but sometimes a stone would hit and hurt us.
One day he was at this game, and did not know that the master was in the next field; but he was there, watching what was going on; over the hedge he jumped in a snap, and catching Dick by the arm, he gave him such a box on the ear as made him roar with the pain and surprise. As soon as we saw the master we trotted up nearer to see what went on.
"Bad boy!" he …show more content…

In the stable, too, he did all that he could for our comfort. The stalls were the old-fashioned style, too much on the slope; but he had two movable bars fixed across the back of our stalls, so that at night, and when we were resting, he just took off our halters and put up the bars, and thus we could turn about and stand whichever way we pleased, which is a great comfort.” This passage is showing how the horse’s new master treated them with respect and how he cared for them. In return, they worked for their new master gratefully and were very loyal to