
Anne Frank Research Paper

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Arbeit Macht Frei” read the sign of the concentration camp as Anne Frank entered before her death. Hiding for two years with her family, falling in love with the boy “next door” she was just like me in many ways; and not like me in so many other ways. What I learned from her was that relationships take work, and in a prison camp, Anne died “free” because of the relationships she had. Hiding for two years, Anne developed love for a boy named Peter Van don. She despised her mother in many ways, but her dad, on the other hand was her hero. Relationships can be complicated, proximity is not always a good thing. In the movie Anne Frank, Anne's mom was upset because she would always run to her dad with her problems. Annes mom felt like an outcast, over the years Anne's love for her mom had lessened. No matter what happened in Anne's life she always had hope. …show more content…

While she had been living in the annex, she developed how to live free even if she is locked in a building. Anne's diary is one of the most worldwide known books under the bible. Her childhood dream changed when she was listening to the radio in 1941 people wanted papers footage or anything that stated anything the nazis did. When she first went into hiding, she was told to pack a bag she filled her school bag with, pictures and so on and so forth. “Memories mean more than dresses” Anne said she would rather have memories, than, the clothes she will grow out

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