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First Last Name Ms. Roberts ELA __ 15 March, 2017 Suratt’s Hanging What is your opinion on Mary Surratt’s terrible, unneeded hanging? Mary Surratt was an innocent woman who was accused of helping John Wilkes Booth with the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. She got hanged for it, but the person who actually did do something to help John Wilkes, Dr Mudd, didn’t get hanged, he got life in prison.
Taylor Headley Mrs. King English 8th Hour 20 December 2016 Molly Pitcher An outstanding woman once said, “ Live day by day and enjoy your family.”
Hutchinson held meetings with women to discuss her own theological views, recent sermons, and question church policies. In the text of “The Massachusetts Bay Colony Case Against Anne Hutchinson (1637)”, the governor tells Mrs. Hutchinson, “Why for your doings, this you did harbor and countenance those that are parties in this faction that you have heard of”. The governor is accusing Anne of disrupting the laws of God and causing instability because when one person speaks out it creates a chain reaction. This includes more people questioning and even rebelling against their leaders and religion. In another incident in the writing of The Massachusetts Bay Colony Case Against Anne Hutchinson (1637)”, the governor ask Mrs. Hutchinson a question
Mary Dyer had not agreed with the Puritan religion. She believed that God spoke to everyone through the urgings of his or her conscience; Puritans thought God only spoke to authorities of the church. Dyer also did not believe that the church should govern all aspects of life in the colony. At first, she kept an uneasy silence. But once a woman, Anne Hutchinson, began publically opposing the church, Dyer decided to step in as well.
American Jezebel: The Uncommon Life of Anne Hutchinson, the Woman who Defied the Puritans is a biography of Anne Hutchinson written by Eve LaPlante who is a direct descendant of Hutchinson. The book follows her life and gives some insight into the lives of people she was surrounded by. As the book progresses, the reader can better understand who Hutchinson was. It begins with Hutchinson being summoned at her trial at the courthouse in Cambridge, Massachusetts for heresy and sedition.
In 1634, a woman that would play one of the biggest roles in the development of early America came to Massachusetts from England. Before immigrating to the New World though, Anne Hutchinson lived in London with her husband William Hutchinson. There, a minister, John Cotton, who believed you didn’t need to follow the laws and rules of society to connect with God, resonated greatly with Anne. The idea that religion is based on personal views would be taken with her to the New World, where she would become an icon for conservative Puritanism and steadfast determination.
About 124 years ago today, an important woman arrived at our colony, her name was Anne Hutchinson. She was one of our founders and a significant figure, not only known in this colony. Anne had a different interpretation of the Bible, this was against the Puritan rule in Massachusetts, and that’s why she was exiled to Rhode Island. While she lived in Massachusetts, Anne was recognized for holding church meetings in her own home. This was because of the way she interpreted the Bible.
When you think of September you think of back to school. Right? We all remember the smell of a new box of crayons. Well in the 1900s that was not the case for many children in America. Labor laws were not fair, but there was one American woman in that era that said enough is enough.
2. Anne Hutchinson was an outspoken woman who challenged predestination. B.Roger Williams was a outspoken preacher who wanted to break with the Church of England. He questioned the Bay Colony charter’s legality.
“THE TRIAL OF ANNE HUTCHINSON” (1637) was written by John Winthrop. This document was conducted to ascertain whether Anna Hutchinson's religious views were consistent with those of the Massachusetts Bay Colony's Puritans. In terms of American religious freedom history, it was a turning point. This trial was notable because it was the first time in American history that a woman had ever been tried for her religious beliefs. Governor John Winthrip says to Mrs.Hutchinson, “the sentence of the court you hear is that you are banished from out of our jurisdiction as being a woman not fit for our society, and are to be imprisoned till the court shall send you away (Foner 76).”
Susan B. Anthony (Susan Brownell Anthony) Susan B. Anthony was a prominent feminist author who started the movement of women’s suffrage and she was also the president of the National American Women Suffrage Association. Anthony was in favor of abolitionism as she was a fierce activist in the anti-slavery movement before the civil war. Susan Anthony was born on February 15, 1820, in Adams, Massachusetts, and before becoming a famous feminist figure, she worked as a teacher. Anthony grew up in a Quaker family that made her spend her time working on social causes. And her father was an owner of a local cotton mill.
Hutchinson held open meetings for those in the colony who agreed with her and wanted to discuss the prior sermons. She soon became a figure for those with similar religious standpoints. Anne Hutchinson’s mission was to express the idea that “Those who would be saved, were those in whom the Holy Spirit lived; this was signalled by a personal love of Christ and an inner light.” However, the government believed that Hutchinson’s vision would separate the colony and destroy their dream of becoming a “City Upon a Hill”. Hutchinson was willing to take responsibility for the meetings she held and was confident in what she was doing, but she did not give others a chance to take a stand.
I have chosen Sally Anne Thompson as my photographer of choice because of her style and her abilities. She is an animal lover and so am I. She has been a photographer for over fifty years. Sally Anne was born to be a photographer, she was the daughter of John de Forest Thompson. He worked for a fashion photography studio in Marylebone, London called Scaioni’s Studio.
Amelia Mary Earhart was born in Atchison, Kansas on July 24, 1897. She defied traditional gender roles from a young age, Earhart has been characterized as a tomboy because she dared to do things that girls at the turn of the century usually did not do. From a very young age, she had an adventurous spirit and loved playing outdoors, climbing trees and hunted rats with a rifle just to name a few. “One of my favorite phobias is that girls, especially those whose tastes aren’t routine, often don’t get a fair break… It has come down through the generations, an inheritance of age-old customs, which produced the corollary that women are bred to timidity.” She was later sent to live with her grandparents, when her parents shifted to Des Moines.
Amelia Earhart was a successful and intriguing woman who paved the way for many future women. She was an iconic figure of the 20th century due to her exemplary impacts she left on the world. Amelia Earhart's aviation career, remarkable achievements, and enduring impact on women's rights helped inspire millions of people. Amelia Earhart was a pioneer in aviation in the early 20th century. She was born on July 24, 1897, in Atchison, Kansas, and from an early age, she was fascinated by aviation (“Amelia Earhart”).