American Pageant Chapter 3 Essay

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Chapter 3 outline
The colonies began to change very fast from religious differences, trade, and the development of the first republic.

The Protestant Reformation Produces Puritanism
1517, Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation when he nailed his “95 Theses” on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral.
He said the Bible was the only source of communication from God.
He said people are saved by grace alone from God
B. John Calvin preached Calvinism that beliefs included “predestination” .
1.He said people were sinful.

2.Calvinists worked hard for their worthiness.

The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth
The Pilgrims wanted to break away from the Church of England.
They first moved to Holland to just live there.
They moved …show more content…

They would begin the first form of self-government in New England.

The Bay Colony was a “Bible Commonwealth”

The right to vote was given to all “freemen.”
1.Non-church member men, and all women, were excluded from voting.
2.They believed that the common man was incapable of voting wisely.
B. Puritans also wanted government control with the church.
Local congregations could hire or fire their local pastor as they chose,

Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth
Tension comes to Massachusetts.
1.Quakers questioned Puritan authority and were punished.
2. Anne Hutchinson was an outspoken woman who challenged predestination.
B.Roger Williams was a outspoken preacher who wanted to break with the Church of England.
He questioned the Bay Colony charter’s legality.

2. He questioned whether the church could run people’s lives and the government, so the church banished him.

The Rhode Island “Sewer”

Roger Williams’ different religious views were not accepted in Massachusetts so he started Rhode Island.
1.Rhode Island thus attracted a variety of people.
2.The colony was officially chartered in 1644.

New England Spreads Out
A new colony was founded in Hartford, Connecticut in 1635.
Reverend Thomas Hooker led a group into