Anne Sexton Cinderella

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Analysis of the Poem of Cinderella Cinderella is a short fairy tale story but is this case is being written as a short poem. Cinderella gain its popularity after the release of Disney’s Cinderella animation story. The poem of Cinderella transcend time and culture having a lasting effect on both aspects the young and the old. Cinderella has been a story in which all children grew up listening to this story and there is still parents that continued telling the story to their children. Cinderella has been an effect in many cultures and in some way it was found as a way to show many of those cultural believes.
In the poem Cinderella by Anne Sexton states that, “the wife of a rich man was on her deathbed/ and she said to her daughter Cinderella be/ Bevout. Be good” (34). In this quote of the poem of Cinderella, Anne Sexton is in a way telling us, through the poem how a mother in their death never forgets about their daughter and how most mothers are always worry …show more content…

Anne sexton, through this part of the poem Cinderella, she is showing as how in most time and in most cultures, when parents decided to remarry after they already have had children with the first wife, stepmother don’t treat their stepdaughter right. We can see that most of the time stepmother treats them badly because they are not their daughters and in some way they want them to feel not part of the family. In the poem Anne sexton states, “that’s the way with stepmother” (35) his is because most of the time stepmother are the ones that don’t like the child and they find way to treat them bad. This way is the way that Cinderella is been seen through the poem because she is not being treated like she belongs in the