Annotated Bibliography

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This article explores the use of wikis in the literacy classroom. A discussion of the need for using new technologies such as these, an evaluation of wikis in regards to technology standards, example student wikis, and an evaluation of the effectiveness of wikis in the English classroom are provided throughout the article. Article Review: Sherry Sanden and Janine Darragh’s article “Wiki Use in the 21st-Century Literacy Classroom: A Framework for Evaluation” explores the use and effectiveness of wikis in the English Language Arts classroom. In the beginning of the article, the authors provide an argument detailing the connections between wikis and the technology requirements provided by the National Council of Teachers of English. The basis of this argument is that wikis adhere to the NCTE’s Position Statement (2008) promoting the use of new technologies that are “multiple, dynamic, and …show more content…

In addition to the potential for this global interaction, wikis also allow students to create multi-media documents by adding text, video, audio, hyperlinks, and images into one document. Due to their digital nature, students can access their wikis from virtually anywhere they can receive at least a 4G connection, making them much more accessible than the traditional word processing document. Wikis also track contributions by name, date, and time, which provides extra assessment opportunities for teachers, as well as