Annotated Bibliography: A Record Of Buddhistic Kingdoms

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"A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms by Chinese Monk Fa-hien." (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 28 Dec. 2015.
This PDF file is a translated version of “A Record of Buddhistic Kingdom” it is translated by Jame Legge. Beside the translations, there are also annotations under the translated text so it made the record of Faxian easier to understand. This translation of the account of Faxian gave me ideas of what difficulties he faced during the trip and what he encountered during his trip.

Arvon, Henri. "Faxian | Chinese Buddhist Monk." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 29 Dec. 2015. This source provided the records that Faxian wrote on his account which record details about how he traveled to India. The quote described the climate …show more content…

N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Dec. 2015. This website provided me a picture of Faxian and it also helps me work on the tag about Chinese pilgrims. It provided information about what Faxian contributed as translator of Buddhists texts he brought back from India helping the Chinese to have a better knowledge of the religion. I used the information to give more ideas of who is pilgrim Faxian.

“ 600 to 100: China /Asia Educator/ Columbia University” N.p., 2009. Web. 16 Nov.2015 This source explained the importance of Silk Road in exchange of Buddhism by carrying goods along with Buddhism. Buddhism is spread along with the other goods that are exchanged along Silk Road. Through this way Buddhism spread to many places along with Silk Road. By the information that is provided by this website, I were able to include and understand more about the role Silk Road played during the spread of Buddhism.

“ Buddhism and Its Spread” www.silkroad .com Web.Oct.28.2015 This source provided me information of how kings or emperor sent missionaries to learn or spread Buddhism. Both the Chinese and Indian Emperor send missionaries to exchange ideas. They exchange their ideas along with other goods along Silk Road. This source help me understand how emperor also play a significant role in exchanging the idea of …show more content…

N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Jan. 2016.
This website provided me with music related to this topic and help me find a video that relate to the topic Buddhism which provide some background musics to my project. These musics are all related to Buddhism, many monks in China practice these kind of song. From this audio library, I can find music that connect to the time period and the religion.

“Buddhism: The Spread of Buddhism” Infoplease, n.d. Web.22.Oct. 2015 This source informed me that, by the effort of King Ashoka, Buddhism spread to China and other neighboring countries. He send missionaries to neighboring countries. Buddhist schools are also built to strength Buddhism in India too. In this way, Buddhism not only influenced many other countries but also it is also strengthened in India.

Hirst, K. Krist. "A Buddhist Monk Traveled the Silk Road in the 5th Century AD." Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Dec. 2015. This website provided me with picture of Faxian's account and the details of his journey, including where he stopped in China and how he traveled to India.

Leppek, Ashley, Avery McLeod, Neil Herberer, Svetlana Marchionna, and Victor Kang. "Case Study." AP World History 2012-2013. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan.

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