Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Annotated bibliography Atwater, J., & Morris, E. (1988). Teachers' instructions and children's compliance in preschool classrooms: a descriptive analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 21(2), 157-167. The aim of this research is to understand children’s compliance probability with educator’s different instructional behaviour. The researcher collect the detailed naturalistic data in over three semester period by observe and categories the communication and behaviour between educators and children in preschool at United States, then the data is analysed to discover the correlation between educators instruction rate and children’s compliance probability. The result shows the educators who guidance children’s behaviour with positive language (, and give direct and clear instruction that prompt behaviour (e.g. “please sit down”, “we sit quitly during activity”, “count the circle on this page”) are acceptance by the children, and the children cooperate 100 percent of the time. The educators who guidance children’s behaviour with negative …show more content…

The educator’s style of language and their clarity of the instruction for the task will influence the quality of relationship between children and educator, as when educator display respectful response towards children, children are more likely to accept and connect with the educator. This finding are relevant to my topic, as it demonstrate the positive relationship between children and educator will support children’s willingness to cooperate with educator. It also indicate that educator can benefit children’s positive behavior development by initiate a respectful relationship. This study The finding of are correlate with the more recent study from Stonehouse & Kennedy (2013), that warm, caring, respectful relationships are the main element in guiding children’ positive behaviour development, which is what my topic are based