2.2 What Are The Benefits Of Actively Promoting Positive Aspects Of Behaviour?

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In every school there are set policies and procedures so that all people working within the school are aware and stick to the same rules. Consistency is imperative. All adults working in the school would be : teaching staff, support staff, lunchtime supervisors, kitchen staff, governors, after school staff and temporary staff. There are many policies in schools that children and staff should be aware of. For example : Behaviour policy, bullying, attendance, code of conduct, sanctions & rewards and health and safety.

If these policies and procedures are consistent and the boundaries and rules are adhered to by all children and staff alike, there should be no misunderstandings. This would mean that whoever is implementing a rule or sanction to a child it would be accepted by everyone. Fair rules means that the children are calmer and positive and there should be no arguments or disagreements. If all the staff are consistent, whoever they are or wherever they are working in the school - they could be an external football coach for an after school club - then the children and other staff would be content with any sanctions, rewards or discipline that are …show more content…

What are the benefits of actively promoting positive aspects of behaviour?

Promoting positive bahaviour is very important for children. When they know that they have behaved correctly and are rewarded for this, they are happier and enjoy the recognition. Positive behaviour promotes rewards and praise, thus the pupils will want to do well and receive more encouragement and approval. This helps with self esteem and motivation. Children will become more independent with their learning.

There are children who misbehave for many different personal reasons. Some behave badly to get attention, they disrupt other class-mates, show off and misbehave in class. They need to know their boundaries and the rules and policies in place in school, therefore understanding the school’s sanctions and