Annotated Bibliography Minority Victimization

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Minority Victimology and Crime Annotated Bibliography
Paityn Fleming
Indiana University- Purdue University Fort Wayne

Freilich, J., Addad, M., Newman, G. (Ed.). (2017). Migration, Culture Conflict and Crime. London: Routledge.

Ronald V Clarke, author of ‘Protecting Immigrants from Victimization’ tackles the victimization and discrimination many immigrants face. This article states the main reason for high immigrant victimization is because they are “easy” to blame. Traditionally, street crimes are often committed by the poor, and immigrants are also usually categorized and stereotyped as being less wealthy. In advance, history also contributes to blaming immigrants because of simple controversy and cultural stereotypes …show more content…

Clarke, a credentialed professor and dean of the School of Criminal Justice for eleven years, and honoree of the highest award in criminology, The Stockholm Prize in Criminology, utilizes scholars and observers to address the injustices immigrants face, and reflects on these issues by also proposing ideas that will protect these immigrants from such corruption. The author addresses the wrongful victimization and disproportionate crimes against minorities. Through extensive research, Clarke emphasizes the corruption minorities face, which supports my topic and the magnitude of the issue. Simpson, L. (n.d.). Violent victimization and discrimination among visible minority populations, Canada, 2014. Minister responsible for Statistics Canada. Laura Simpson, analyst for the Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics and author of this article, utilizes studies concerning violent victimization and discrimination among visible minority populations, and highlights minority victimization, and compares minority groups to non-minority groups regarding crime and victimization. Simpson provides statistics and data concerning the type of crime, age, sex, community, and perceptions given by minority individuals, and ultimately found violent victimization rates for minorities to be five times higher than non-minority …show more content…

This study utilizes multinomial and binary logistic regression to analyze hate crimes based on one’s race, background, and socioeconomic status. The significance of the link between crimes and minorities as victims cannot be underscored, the disproportionality of crimes against minorities is significant and studies show it is a phenomena on the rise. Chongatera addresses this growing concern, and reflects on his findings that suggest hate crimes stem from physical appearances (visible ethnic backgrounds) rather than socioeconomic