
Annotated Bibliography: Should Prostitution Be Legal?

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Colb, Sherry F. “Should Prostitution Be Legal?.” ProCon.org. Dec 17, 2008. Open Web. Mon 11 Jan. 2015
Colb’s work is a scholarly review of the prostitution and why it should be legalized, her statement was relevant to my research. The expert expressed her concerns to the regards of the authorization of prostitution her leading argument was that prostitution should be legalization because it is not crime thus having no victims. She also continued to argue that there is no harm do to anyone committing such acts. Colb’s analyzed the disadvantage of prostitution one was the widespread of STD, which made her statement not as compelling.
Gupta, R. “Should Prostitution Be Legal?.”ProCon.org. July 19, 2013. Open Web. Mon 11. 2015.
Gupta’s review benefits the idea that prostitution does bring about are various amount of harm to the individual. Gutpa asserts that the there are many form of …show more content…

“Symposium.” Insight on the News, 2000. San Leandro Main Library.Vol. 16, 12 Jan. 2015. Print.
The author affirms that
Post, Dianne. “Legalizing Prostitution: A Systematic Rebuttal.” Off Our Backs, 1999. San Leandro Main Library. Vol. 29 Issue 7, pg 8. 12 Jan, 2015. Print. The author of the article
Predigo, K. “Prostitution: A ‘Victimless Crime?.’” AlJazerra.com, 19 Mar. 2013. Open Web. Mon. 11 Jan. 2015. The journal contributes
Ekberg, Gunilla S. Should Prostitution Be Legal? Violence Against Woman. ProCon.org, Nov. 5 6 2002. Open Web. Tue. 12, 2015.
The author work was extremely insightful read on such a debatable topic. This intellectual work is relevant to my research. Ekberg is a very educates on the various fact of prostitution and how choice plays no role in prostitution. He strictly emphasized that there is no correlation between the two. He explains many turn the other in such a topic yet he dug deep into the reality of my topic. In his argument there is some criticizes to those who think that free plays a roll in prostitution, since it is not the

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