Annotated Bibliography: The American Society Of Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering Annotated Bibliography
About Civil Engineering. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2016, from The American Society of Civil Engineers has some very informative things to say about civil engineering. After listing all of the things that we can thank our civil engineers for, they then begin talking about specializing. Civil engineers have the opportunity to specialize in various topics. To name one we have transportation engineers. Transportation engineers are in charge of designing anything that has to do with transportation including trains, plans, and roads. The golden gate bridge is a great example of something created by a transportation engineer. The importance of this information is letting the reader know that there are various things one can do with this degree.
CE&CR January Issue 2016. (2016, January 01). Retrieved March 23, 2016, from In this January issue of the Civil engineering and construction review, one of the topics talked about is bridges. Bridges, whether they have an outstanding design or are just …show more content…

(n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2016, from Someone who dreams of being some type of engineer will then have to decide if they wish to become an actual engineer or an engineering technician. An actual engineer has to go to school for at least four years while an engineering technician will earn their degree in just two years. Although an actual engineer usually makes more money, they also have way more responsibility than an engineering technician would. The relevance of this information is helping one figure out if a two-year or a four-year degree is right for them.
How to Know if Civil Engineering Is Right for You. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2016, from