Should People Write Injuries In Dust, Benefits In Marble?

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“You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the f*** on” (Tupac Shakur). People, who play the guessing game on why certain injuries, emotional or physical, happen, tend to hold negative feelings for their own situation. These individuals should strive to correspond with the aphorism to, “Write injuries in dust, benefits in marble”. An individual living by this aphorism should consider their injuries in their past, and they should come back from those injuries stronger than they were, continue to strive towards their successes, and let go of their past failures and hold on to their silver linings. Some people say that not all …show more content…

The key to moving on is to keep a straight head and not let anything veer you from the path you have created. Imagine, you're about to fall off of a cliff. You have a backpack that is filled with your emotional and physical pain, and it is weighing you down. You are about to lose grip and fall, and the only way you can hold on is to let go of the backpack. Are you going to let those pains take you down or are you going to leave them behind and survive. Individuals need to realize that by holding on to regrets, it will drag them down until their face is against the pavement. Once one realizes that a lifestyle of regret is not a life to live, they will persevere and proceed to continue on the correct path towards the right life for them. People tend to take directions as to what path is the correct path solely based upon the situations happening around them. These people must not dread. Dreading will lead you nowhere but down the track of despair. You need to be able to strive towards one main objective and create a path that will support you towards the objective you