
Anorexia Argumentative Essay

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Anorexia doesn’t seem to be a big issue in our world. There’s no doubt it’s a problem, but it seems only to be a minor issue. People tend not to care if it doesn’t apply to or affect them. Even so, there’s a debate that that incluse everyonem whether anoerxia is in their lives or not. Does society’s promotion of a thin body as the ideal female figure contribute to anorexia, or is it just something to do with the minds of anorexics?
Anorexia has two different definitions. Defined as a medical condition, it’s the lack or loss of appatite for food. When it is defined as a mental dissorder, the way it is most commonly talked about, it is an emotional disorder characterised by an obsessive want or desire to lose weight by refusing to eat. Anorexia starts out as harmless dieting, …show more content…

These blogs – known as pro-ana blogs – and society’s conception of thin being the ideal body shape is often blamed as the cause of anorexia. While they do not cause it, they don’t help it. Brain scans have shown that the brain of an anorexic is different than that of a non-anorexic. Researchers are aware this could be due to malnutrition, but they are also considering the possiblility of it truly contributing to anorexia. Anorexia is a mental disorder, after all, and has to do with psychological problems in the brain. Many things play into anorexia – emotional and mental abuse, depression, low self-esteem, and more. Negative thinking about one’s body and hunger can lead to anorexia. Anorexics will often think that eating is bad, as it will cause them to gain weight. With that fatal mindset, anorexia has a very high death rate. As the disorder goes uncured, it gets worse. The longer it takes an anorexic to get help, the longer they will be stuck in that mind set, and the harder it will be to break them out of it when they finally do get help. Anorexia is difficult to treat, but Walter Kaye (director of the eating disorders program at the University of California in San Diego) has

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