Why We Should Not Ban The Power Of Words

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Societies should not ban the use of any words. With limiting the use of any words, it would limit our freedom of speech as declared in the constitution. This country is based off what our ancestors had declared. Words are a part of our lives. We use them everyday day whether they be good or “bad” words. In my opinion I believe there is no such thing as bad words. Sense we are so free why are there such things as bad words or words some people aren't allowed to say. This country is known to be one of the best in the world, so why would we ever even think to ban certain, or any, words? In the novel Anthem one certain word was banned from ever being spoken or one would be put to death. However, other words were taken away from the English diction. These techniques did not fall through completely because obviously these words were still used in secret hidden away from their government, deeming the ban pointless. People in today's generation especially the younger ones are …show more content…

Even in speaking. Everyone also has his or her own interpretation of how someone is talking. In the article “The Power of Words” it states how “studies reveal that we place our attention toward words differently depending on our own biological or personality traits”. Every words interpretation depends on how we understand it. If we are taught that no word is a bad word or is negative, then we will never understand the negative connotation. If we were all to grow up the same way we'd all have the same understanding of each word. That is not how our society works. Everyone is different and we all act, speak, think, and talk differently. We are all unique and without freedom of speech, we'd all be walking zombies saying nothing but what the government wants to hear. Granted we should all learn and live equally that's not always how it works out in the end. We are all different and unique in our own way, which is what truly makes us