Anthony Robins The Path To Success Analysis

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How To Obtain Success “The path to success is to take massive and determined actions”-Tony Robins. Tony Robins is correct, in order to be successful in college people must make the choice to go back to school. At least that is what I have taken from the quote. I choose to go back to school in order to further my career in the medical field. In order to be successful in college students should to choose a career they are passionate about, get to class on time, and study. Finding a career that someone is passionate about can be tough. Although it can come easy to a lot people. Some people know exactly what career they want when graduating from high school. Lynn F. Jacobs and Jeremy S. Hyman said to make sure when choosing a major take all the general education such as math, reading, and science. Try to take something each term that is interesting and fun, it helps to enjoy classes instead of hating them. Lynn Jacobs and Jeremy Hyman wrote an …show more content…

Most days’ students may just want to stay home and enjoy a day to themselves. It is good to have days to oneself; although, it does have consequences. Consequences could include unexcused absences, late work, no in class grade, and also not knowing what the class was about. Students should always try to make it to class. They should also try to stay on top of everyday distractions so that it does not interfere with school. They should get up every day and treat school like it is a full time job. Finally, last but not least study, study, and study. Studying is a major thing students need to do in order to have any success in college. They should make a certain time every day that they study. People should also think about having a study group and meet at least once a week. Having other people to study with can make it fun and relaxing. Students should make sure though when they are studying at home that it is peaceful and everything is