Anthony Walsh's 'Criminology Today: An Interactive Introduction'

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n Schmalleger;s (2012). “Criminology today: An Interactive Introduction”, the author introduced that Anthony Walsh explained that “Biological theories are theories of criminality not crime” . He explained that crime is just the “legal label” that is placed on the behavior that violates the law and Criminology focuses on the continuous trait of the individual (pg. 86). The distinction of these two are important because biology and crime are different. Crime is just a label or term while criminology studies empathy, conscience, self-control, fear, self-centeredness, and risky behavior (pg. 86). The field of criminology been slow to give credence to the biological theories of deviant behavior. One reason is that criminology because the roots are within Social Science. Criminology was given to the Social Science field but the approaches derived from sociology (pg. 86).

In the unit I examined many different biological, psychological, and psychiatric theoretical explanations of criminal behavior. The …show more content…

The text explained that Charles Darwin felt that dispositions occur through assignable appearances in families that create a “savage state” similar to animals and therefore these instinctive roles have not been removed for many generations (pg. 90). On article by “History Extra” quoted Lombroso “an atavistic being who reproduces in his person the ferocious instincts of primitive humanity and the inferior animals.” On the other hand, I believe that Gall's theory would not be taken seriously and most individuals would probably agree that the shape of the human skull would be irrelevant in criminology. A brief biography by Renato M.E. Sabbatini in 1997 explained that Gall had even offended religious leaders and scientists and that church bodies considered his theory as contrary to religion of that the mind which was created by