
Anti Vaccination Persuasive Speech

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Recently, there has been serious talk regarding these so-called ‘Anti-vaxxers’, of whom believe for a variety of reasons not to vaccinate their children. I want to end the night here on a serious note if I could. There is still a small, yet sizeable group of people who are choosing not to vaccinate their children in response to the Lancet article that sparked a much greater anti-vaccination movement. These people find it necessary to take medical advice from Jenny McCarthy over that of doctors with a PhD. Nevertheless, to those anti-vaxxers out there, I wouldn’t expect you to take medical advices from a late night TV talk-show host. However, I would advise you to take medical advice from most doctors around the world. The thing is doctors didn’t …show more content…

If you are one of those people who rejects the information given by doctors and think you know more than doctors, that’s fine, no vaccination. But you shouldn’t visit doctors. Why would you even want to go see the doctor when who obviously knows less than you do. These doctors are expected by the public to find treatments for Ebola, diabetes, cancer, herpes, etc. Yet, the anti-vaccine movement still will not believe in the method most doctors and scientist have used for the past century, thereby treating many innocent children. Let me ask you this question, do you remember that time you contracted polio? No, because your parents got you vaccinated. We know that measles have caused the death of 7,575 people in the US alone. But a recent outbreak known as Polio has changed lives of many, especially the young ones. Here is a toddler with Polio. And here is a picture of children’s with polio who can never walk again. This was this very country before the introduction of polio vaccines. It is known that during its peak in the 1940s and 1950s, polio had crippled over half a million people worldwide. People who are not vaccinated now against polio, probably have never seen somebody with polio, people who are not vaccinated probably have never imagined their child never walking again, and they certainly have never imagine how it would …show more content…

There is this common idea of: ‘We are healthy, we have always been healthy, and we are a healthy family’ making these people rather resistant to vaccinations. Children are immediately expected for more than 20 inoculations after just a few years since birth, with as many as five shots amongst one visit. However, these shots are used to prevent diseases that most people don’t see, using fluids that people do not understand. Some people are even looking for reasons not to vaccinate, in which several celebrities and now even politicians are willing to provide, saying that “It is perfectly fine not to vaccinate. It is not safe as it claims to be.” Words by these celebrities and politicians are taken with emphasis, however, doctors with years of experience are being bashed for their claims of the safety of these shots and are taken lightly. Shots that have been used for the past century now, and only now is it questioned regarding its safety. Parents never lack of things to worry about, but in theory vaccination should not be one of them. It is scientifically proven that vaccination works. It eradicated smallpox, drastically reduce incidence of polio, and made measles a disease almost unheard of. Although these diseases may be rare, vaccination still remains important as to keeping them at bay. Just keep in mind for future references, once someone contracts a terrible

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