
Pros And Cons Of Vaccines: Lethal Or Beneficial

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Vaccines: Lethal or Beneficial? Whether parents should vaccinate their children is a growing debate amongst citizens of the United States. Vaccinations were created to promote the greater well-being of society and for preventative measures against lethal diseases. Many doctors and programs such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) give important insights and opinions on whether vaccinations should be required. For years Americans have vaccinated their children, but now new questions have risen over whether vaccinations do more harm than good. Since vaccinations are required for children to attend public schools, most people follow through and receive around 29 vaccinations in their lifetime. However, many are concerned that vaccinations change their children’s intellectual abilities, and may in some cases create serious …show more content…

Though vaccines are not a cure, they help societies ward off diseases that at one time wiped out whole populations. If everyone in a society is vaccinated, it seems there is hardly any possibility of having tragic amounts of death due to a disease that could be prevented. Vaccines secure the well-being of the living and future generations. Vaccines are also generally safe and regulated so that they are at easy access for everyone. This is important because society cannot afford to lose generations of thinkers and innovators. Not only do vaccines have health benefits, but economic benefits as well. Parents can protect their children and their wallets because their children will not rack up medical expenses due to illness. Parents have no reason to miss work because their child is dying, or see them suffer because they cannot afford to pay for treatment. By examining the pros of vaccines, one can see that they seem to improve the greater good of society regardless of the controversy surrounding

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