
Persuasive Essay On Vaccines For Children

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Did you know that vaccines prevent more than 2.5 million deaths each year? If I were a parent, I would want vaccines for my child to prevent deaths. Some parents are 100% for vaccines and all they do. However, there is debate on whether or not they are safe for your child. I believe that it is crucial for kids to get vaccinated because those serious disease that are believed to be gone are still there, children need protection early in their lives, and deadly diseases can spread very easily.
Serious diseases such as polio, and whooping cough are still out there. Parents in this generation ion, are not old enough to have experience the effects of polio, measles, or whooping cough. So, for them it is easy to think they only exist in the past. Children in the U.S. can and still get these disease. When vaccine rates go down, it is common for an outbreak to take place. When I am a parent, these deadly diseases are not what I would want my baby to experience when they enter our world.
Children need protection early on their lives, because their immune system isn't fully developed. They are most vulnerable when they are young, because their immune system isn't strong enough yet to fight off the diseases. Some vaccines require multiple visits and shots in order for them to fully work. …show more content…

Some parents that have kids with autism believe that their child developed this disability from their vaccines that they received. Also, back in the day, people only received 3 vaccines. Today, kids are receiving up to 22 vaccines. Although these are some serious concerns, studies show that they are not valid. Studies have been done and show that there is no relation between autism and vaccines. Some parents are also against vaccines because there is no polio in the U.S. However, that doesn't mean it can reach its way back to the U.S. from other

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