
Vaccination Argumentative Essay

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Many Americans were hurt by infectious diseases, many of which could have been prevented by vaccinations. Some Americans choose not to vaccinate or do not have access to vaccinations. Not only does a lack of vaccination possibly hurt the unvaccinated person, it can be harmful to Americans around the unvaccinated person because not everyone can be vaccinated. Everything has possible side effects, but everyone needs to make sure they are educated and understand that the risks outweigh the benefits for most Americans. Vaccinations were created because of the horrible effects of these diseases, but now not everyone who can be vaccinated is vaccinated, which is a problem to help that everyone needs to make sure to do research and not just listen to one side of the story. These infectious diseases are horrible which is why vaccinations where created but the possible side effects which has been disproven frighten parents meaning Americans should all be vaccinated if they can. …show more content…

The American people need to be educated on what the actual risks are of vaccinations. There have been claims against vaccinations that have been disproven, but there have been Americans who still listen to those claims. One of the many studies was done by If Americans do their research they will most likely find overwhelming evidence in support of vaccinations. If Americans just look at the number of outbreaks there are in figure 1 they will consider there being a problem. Another compelling example is the facts and statistics about India with the low number of vaccinated Indians and the very high death rate of these vaccine preventable diseases in children (Banerjee, M., 2016, June 8).Even if some Americans still do not vaccinate after researching they will know what they are getting into. Americans need to do their research before they decide they do not want to

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