Vaccinating Argumentative Essay

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Vaccinating children has become an issue many parents are taking personally, and debating on a regular basis. Several parents do not vaccinate their children, but does anyone really know why they are not vaccinating? Parents are beginning to come to a realization that the government, and the medical community are teaming together to push vaccines on them and their children. However, the government does not own their children. Parents own their children, and it should not be an issue to be against vaccinating, but rather a freedom to choose either way. Parents should have the right to let their children get infections, after all, everyone has an immune systems for this reason. Thus, for natural immunity, children need to be exposed to …show more content…

Specifically because, there are feelings both the government, and the medical community are making profits from pharmaceutical companies, and this is why vaccines are being pushed more now than before. For this reason, vaccines are unsafe for children; even more, the belief vaccines have hurt, or even killed children. As a matter of a fact, the government has knowledge of vaccines being unsafe, and they protect pharmaceutical companies rather than, children in this country. To include, doctors do not give enough information on vaccines, the pamphlets they hand out in their offices are very vague on the dangers and the benefits. Given these points, “The information papers referred to are one-page overviews of the risks and benefits of each vaccine, written for the audience of the general public” (Gullion et al, 2008, p. 406). Doctors need to consult with parents to relieve them of concerns for their children and vaccines, as well as, treat them as educated people when explaining knowledge about vaccines. Parents should not be forced to vaccinate if they do not want to, doctors need to respect this decision, and not raise suspicion. Over all, parents should have an equal voice in this issue because after all it is their children’s lives and their decision as their parents to not