Anticipatory Child Development

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In assessing the relation ship between J, who is 4 and his cargivers, his mother and father, the relationship seemed healthy and normal. It was obvious in looking around the apartment that there were many age appropriate toys and books lying around, it was obvious when he would get frustrated or upset that both his parents were meeting his emotional needs, parents got along well and demonstated affection openly otard one another, J was affectionate with his parents and with his older brother (5 years old), and J seemed comfortable and excited to have me in his house to play and observe him. J’s mother was attentive to his needs for snacks and drinks and when snack time was over J just excepted it and carried on without whining or tantrums. …show more content…

(2012). Anticipatory guidance for cognitive and social-emotional development: Birth to five years. Paediatrics & Child Health, 17(2), 75–80.

According to Dosman & Andrews (2012) Anticipatory guidance for cognitive and social-emotional development: Birth o five years, at the age of 4 a child developes more self control over aggression and other impulses, and gains a gender role and sense of self beyond immediate family. He should start to acquire knowledge of social expaecations and have the ability to distinguish between what is real and pretend. In the area of language and literacy he should show intrest in words, be able to point out letters and make rhymes with words. In regards to problem solving, he should be able imitate behaviour and have the abilty to express probems and feelings. Attachemnt wise he should begin to understand family traditions and do things for himself independently as he is able. Regarding sexual development, he should have curiosity between boys and girls. Socially he should have friends and many oppurtunits to play with others. At four years of age he should be given appropraiate …show more content…

He was very good at sharing his toys with me and asking his parents and brother if they would like to join. J was able to follow and give smple instructions but he definatly had a particular way he wanted it done and was bossy and defiant if it was not done his way. At one point I was confused at what he was asking of me and so I built the bridge “wrong” he knocked it over but felt bad and gave me a hug then wandered off th get an instruction book on how he wanted me to bulid the bridge. J stayed intrested in this activity for 45 minutes and he helped me until the bridge was complete. These are all indicators of healthy social- emotional development in a 4 year old. His mother expressed to me that she was not concerned with his abilty at 4 years old to dress himself or do chores. J’s mother made several comments alluding to the fact that he had plenty of time to be big and she was going to kieep him as her baby for as long as she could. When I asked J’s mom about what she thought about being the only women in a house full of men (husband and 2 sons) she responded that they were very open in their different sexuality with the boys and sshe still bathed with her 4 and 5 year old sons and that she had no issues with them seeing her naked. Gender was not an issue in their house,