Ap Biology Lab Report

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The amount of water the plants need every day for their daily activities such as for growth and photosynthesis is small when compared to what is really lost because of transpiration. Plants have specialized pores called stomata which are in charge for allowing the passing of materials. The stomata pores are surrounded by cells called guard cells whose function is to expand and contract so that they can open and close the stomata. So for example when the plant is losing too much water the guard cells close to stop that. Most stomata are on bottom of the leaf. Also by looking at the number of stomata a lot of information can be predicted about a plant. So for example, plant that has a high concentration of stomata shows fast growth and wet …show more content…

As predicted, the reasoning behind the location of the most of the stomata on the bottom of the leaf in order to reduce the rate of transpiration. The reason that they are on the bottom is so that they aren’t directly affected by the rays of the sun and that they don’t lose a lot of water since they need water for photosynthesis. Also the stomata in plants like pineapple exchange mostly at night since they are CAM plants. The climate that a plant grows in has a lot to do with its unique modifications but loosing water is an disadvantage to the plants most of the times which is why most of the stomata is located on the bottom of the leaf in order to make sure not too much water is lost. During the experiment there were a lot of instances where error could have taken place which could have affected the results that we received. Some of the errors that could have taken place include human error for one. When we were applying the coat of nail polish the amount that we applied could have been too much or too little. When peeling away the dried coat the stomata could have gotten messed up which would have impacted the results that we got. Not only didn’t that but maybe the portion of the leaf that we picked truly represent the amount of stomata that are present on the leaf. Also, maybe the leaf that we choose could have been damaged. All these are just some of the possibilities of the errors that could have taken place and had an impact on the data that we ended up receiving. In future, if we redo this experiment there are a few modification that we can make, for example we can have more trials in order to ensure our data isn’t biased and that it’s not affected by a lurking variable. Also we could test the plants that are grown in different climates in order to correctly conclude that the location of the stomata is

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