Plant Open Stomata Experiment

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Stomata are pores commonly found on the underside of leaves of a plant (stomata study). These microscopic pores are a passageway for carbon dioxide to enter while at the same time allow water and oxygen to be released (berkley). Plants need stomata as they allow the plant to take in carbon dioxide, a necessary part of photosynthesis (berkley). Plants open stomata by their guard cells located on either side of the stomata (stomata study). These cells can swell up to open the stomata or deflate to close them off (berkley) This is important because any time stomata are open the plant will lose water along with oxygen (berkley) When enough carbon dioxide has entered the stomata, a plant will close its stomata so it can preserve its water and prevent itself from drying out. Environmental conditions can alter stomata density (Tansley reviews). In many species, stomata density is reduced with increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels in geological time and under laboratory conditions (tansley reviews). In a study of 100 different plant species, it was found that three quarters of the species analysed showed reduction in stomatal density (Tansley reviews). This would be an advantage for the plant as fewer stomata are better able to conserve water than its original …show more content…

We did this by cutting off a small portion of the leaf and then further cutting the leaf into 6 smaller square pieces about 1cm x 1cm. After that we brushed nail polish onto the underside of each square piece, because this is where the stomata are found. We then let the nail polish dry to the touch waiting a few minutes in the process. When the nail polish was dry we placed a piece of tape on each leaf sample. Next we removed the tape of one leaf sample, which contained the stomata impression and taped it onto one microscope slide. This slide was now ready to be used under the

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