Common App Essay No. 1 The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. This is something that a found to be evident within less than a week's time. The summer of my junior year, I enrolled myself in a summer program that emphasized a focused on business. This camp was called New Detroit’s Camp Enterprise. The goal of this camp was give young high school juniors and seniors experience with constructing a business plan, however it included a catch. Everything had to be completed for presentation within a 24 hour time period. A reasonable amount of friends and peers from my high school and other social organizations I am a part of participated in this nearly weeklong experience, also. Given, I figured that I would be paired with at least one person in my group. However, this was not the case, I was …show more content…
We divided the workload into to different sects such as: social media/communications, cashflow, and the business report. I was responsible for creating a comprehensive strategy to successfully market our business by creating various social networking accounts and websites. After a series of inconveniences and uprootings I eventually finished fairly early (in comparison to my groupmates). With time to spare I socialized with friends, watched Netflix, and made some minor improvements that I believed would “wow”the panel of judges that the plan was to be presented to. I had become agitated and standoffish with one group member specifically during our initial discussion about business ideas. This member tried to claim another group’s winning business plan from a previous year as her own genius. This I felt was an insult to my intelligence given that I was aware of this. As the time passed I saw how my groupmate struggled, yet my own pride prevented me from helping on a business report which I was capable of doing. I stood by