Ap Psychology Case Study On Savanah

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When you wake up in the morning and open your eyes, you don’t think that you are using psychology to perceive the things around you. You are unconsciously using your senses to see, hear, and feel what’s around you; you simply get up and do your morning routine. Following my patient Savanah around in her daily life I have noticed that she uses psychology all the time and never notices it. When she would sit down in class and listen to the teacher while taking notes; she never knew she was using parallel processing to understand what the teacher is saying and taking notes in the process. When she goes home to start her classwork, she puts all distractions aside so she can focus and get her work done promptly. When she tries to focus on her highlighted …show more content…

When she uses her “gut” that is her intuition is herself reasoning with a problem or trying to find a solution. We use our intuition when it comes to hard situations. If she is faced with a problem such as coming upon a snake she can choose between flight and fight. She can either try and kill the snake or run away from the snake. It is all up to her senses and what she is telling herself to do to be safe. When Savanah learns something hard for her it becomes an “I knew it all along” phenomenon and she believes that after learning how to do it she already knew how to do it, this is called hindsight bias. When Savanah goes for a stroll in her neighborhood she doesn’t disturb the flowerbeds and the animals she comes across she just observes the nature, this technique is called naturalistic observation. Neural communication is also how our brain interacts with out body. The mind and behavior join together when it comes to thinking. Our neurons are basic building blocks of the nervous system. We use these neurons to help our brain revive information and how they communicate with her brain is important. Our brain is like the engine of out body. It is in control of everything. If Savanah were to think about what to get for dinner she could solve that herself and communicate inside her head without speaking. Our brains are capable of doing so much but we limit ourselves to playing on our phones and watching TV. Savanah uses her brain a lot. She constantly studies her work and is always busy with important things. She keeps herself busy and keeps her brain