Apollo 11 Ap Language Essay

468 Words2 Pages

Ash Federis

Mrs. Herrejon-Che

AP Language and Composition

16 February 2018

Imagine being one of the millions of people watching as the Apollo 11 is launched to space on its one and only voyage. Amazement and excitement is all you feel as the rocket flies into the blue sky, and leaves the earth. You anxiously wait as the rocket orbits the lunar satellite. The spacecraft slowly lands on the surface of the moon, and the commander of the Apollo 11 mission is the first to head out. Knowing that millions of people are watching him, the commander famously says, ''That's one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind." NASA (or the National aeronautics and Space Administration) is a United States government agency that specializes …show more content…

It had its start on October 1, 1958 with a primary motive to out maneuver Russia, caused by the occurrence of the Cold War. The ideology behind this is that, the United States and Russia held a competition of superiority, and as these tensions grew, so did the demand for advancement. The space exploration became a primary competition, and the so called “space race” began. In the context of the race, Russia had a major start in sending the Earth’s first artificial satellite giving the United States “A "Pearl Harbor" effect on American public opinion, creating an illusion of a technological gap” (Garber, Steve, and Roger Launius.). This would lead the increase of the agency’s funding to give themselves an edge. The United States would then send, almost immediately, their first satellite approximately 4 months later. This would become a major developmental stage in NASA, with the absolution of the former agency, and the increase of its budget. It also led to the incorporation of various organizations into the agency. (Garber, Steve, and Roger Launius.) This increased NASA’s influence, and its advancements with new discoveries and contribution to science and

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