
Apollo Vs Dionysus

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The Birth of Tragedy discusses the struggle between Dionysus and Apollo. This battle between two gods is mainly focused on the artistic aspects of their lives. The Dionysian side of this conflict focuses on the pain and suffering of life, it also touches on the primordial instincts that all humans have. Dionysian art also encouraged communal gatherings or becoming a part of society.The Apollonian side focuses on logic and reasoning. This art form distances itself from nature and embraces the dreams that man has. These dreams can be interpreted to find the true meaning of something. Nietzsche also said that this conflict predated human art and the idea of logic and instinct was woven into our primitive minds. The music of the two art forms differed wildly. Apollonian music was structured and poised with no true intent, whereas Dionysian music was meant to invoke emotion into the listener's heart. Over time, society's view of the art forms changed. People like Euripides favored the Apollonian art form, while the myths of Prometheus and Oedipus embraced Dionysian art. Overall these two opposing ideas have influenced many artist over the generations and will continue to do so in the future. “I pray thee, good Mercutio, let's retire. The day is hot, the Capels abroad, And if we meet we shall not 'scape a brawl, For now, …show more content…

One being the Montagues, and the other being the Capulets. According to Nietzsche the two sides of conflict have different characteristics. These two sides are usually connected to the ancient greek gods Apollo and Dionysus. Apollo is associated with logic, and Dionysus is associated with drunkenness. In every conflict there are opposing sides one of good and one of evil. However, this distinction of good and evil differs depending upon who is viewing the quarrel. What side of the conflict do most individuals believe they are on? Which great family is Apollo and which is Dionysus in Romeo and

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