Apologetics Essay

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(Introduction) This assignment is about the apologetics in post-modern society where cults are formed it is important to research this topic because it gives the missionary a brought view of what is going on in the world and have an understanding of beliefs in order to correct or point the believer of those beliefs to Christ in an understandable and loving way by paying attention to their background. The aim of this assignment thus is to research and to gain understand of what type of cults are out there in this post-modern era, how do they deviate from the Church etc. By gaining knowledge of these cults my ultimate aim will be to indicate how I will witness as an apologetic to someone who is engaged with a cult. The more understanding a missionary can gain about a person who is in a cult and about what that cult believes and practices- the easier it will be for the missionary to witness to them in a way that is personal and own to their understanding of things. My method that I am going to apply to reach my aim is that I am going to research the characteristics of the cults and critically evaluate them and I am going to discuss how these cults differ from the Church. (Body) Apologetics in a post- modern society Before we start to research on cults, …show more content…

In conclusion relativism is an extra lethal rival than abjuration, for it discards the actual likelihood of truth, as it permits for immeasurable methods of meaning. This has made the apologetic’s mission considerably more challenging. In the pre-modern era, the excessive concern was which supernatural entitlements are vindicated and true. In the modern era, the hypothesis was that no supernatural entitlements are vindicated or true. In the unearthly billows of postmodernity, any supernatural entitlement is anticipated to be true, whether vindicated or not. But no entitlement to truth can be unconditional, general, or limited. (R. ALBERT MOHLER,