Applying For A Scholarship Essay

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After extensive research into a multitude of different careers and background reading such as "The South Sea Bubble: An Economic History of its Origins and Consequences”, I have come to the conclusion that a career in business is one that I would like to pursue. It’s been through my observation of the recent global economic downturn and the way the world is still reacting to it, that I have been inspirited to further my knowledge, developing broader, deeper understandings, not just of the theoretical mechanisms and control systems that can be deployed when facing times of economic hardship, but of the ethical, governance and ultimately cultural failings that underpinned its initial downfall. It is from studying these failings in particular that my interest in the financial side of business has been galvanized, lending me to believe that eventually finance and financial accounting is the specific career path that I would like to pursue, once I have developed a more broad-based knowledge of business academia as a whole. …show more content…

Business studies has helped me to develop a critical understanding of organisations, the markets that they operate in , and the delicate process of adding value, as well as showing me how business operate on an international level and the interconnectedness of Business and all of its parts. Economics has given me a keen interest and ardour for economics and its influence on the wider political and social environment and has helped me gain an inquisitive, acute and thoughtful 'economist's mind'. Maths has taught me how to interpret information and analyse problems, solving them in the most efficient way

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