Appropriate Memory Study

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Memory is an important resource that humans benefit from having on a everyday basis. In order for us to construct any type of memory, we utilize an accumulation of knowledge and strategies to help retrieve previous information. The skill of building up memory however, is not an innate trait and is a skill that is developed. Richard Wellman, Kenneth Ritter, and John Flavell observed deliberate memory among children in their 1975 study to infer the abilities among young children. Often times, young children impress adults when they are able to identify the location of an object. Still, this ability is very questionable, Wellman, Ritter and Flavell, were interested in discovering if young children used deliberate memory or if they simply remembered in identifying the location of an object. To address this uncertainty, they compared two conditions in three experiments that they conducted with similar memory tasks. Participants in the experiment were randomly assigned into one of two conditions set up, the remember …show more content…

One distinction from experiment one was that delay times were shortened to thirty seconds. Multiple children refused to be compliant with the experimenters, resulting in difficulty for experiments to conceal the exact results from narrative reports to those of experiment one. Indicating that during the time delay, children of this age did not prove strategies and differentiable behavior. The experimenters wanted to further question their findings from experiment one. Due to the fact that many participants excelled in the memory task, the experimenters designed a third experiment in which the memory task that was given to participants was more difficult and would be able to prove that the behavior engaged by participants in experiment one promoted

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