Essay On Eidetic Memorization

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I had a problem of where to start, whom to experiment on and what variable to experiment. Though eidetic memorization is tested to be an effective memorization technique used by college students. I still wonder, what if another variable such as age can confuse the results. My future experiment will be to test if age can also be a variable to test on rote and eidetic memorization.
The main contemporary perspectives of psychology
Behavioral Neuroscience (psychobiological psychology) is a psychology perspective that studied the links among brain, mind and brain (.
Biological Psychological is a psychology perspective that studied connection between bodily system and their relationship to behavior and thought (“Open Learning Initiative, n.d.)
Cognitive is a psychological perspective that studied thought, memory, recall and problem solving.
Social psychology is psychology perspective that studied how perceive themselves and others, and how people influence each other’s behavior (social, culture, feeling and behavior).
Developmental psychology is a psychology’s perspective that study human from the origin to the end (death) “humanity”.
Clinical psychology: is psychological perspective that tend to study the origin and treat mental, emotional and behavior disorder.
Individual differences: Personality psychology is the study of …show more content…

There two kind of memory technique in psychology of memory. Rote memory technique and Eidetic memory technique. As mentioned in discussion that eidetic memorization is more effective technique than rote memorization technique. Someone using eidetic memorization can recall easily what have been memorized by using the inference of the visual (image) had in mind whereby someone using rote memorization technic can easily forget information because there are no things to refer the information