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Nicole Hall History 1221 Spring 2024 Content analysis essay President Theodore Roosevelt and President Franklin D. Roosevelt had many policies that still affect the United States today. The progressive ages of both presidents led to a bountiful expansion of the power of the United States and its citizens. President Theodore Roosevelt's "Big Stick" policy and President Franklin Roosevelt's "New Deal" policy can still be felt in the United States today; Theodore Roosevelt’s policies focused on enforcing American ideals upon other countries, whereas Franklin Roosevelt's policies reflected and reformed the people of the United States and expanded the reach of the federal government. Theodore Roosevelt's policy regarding foreign countries allowed …show more content…

America in the Age of Imperialism, Document Set 11. President Theodore Roosevelt’s new foreign policy furthered progressive movements in the United States as it was riding off the successes of the Spanish American War. Corbett et al., p. 646). His contributions to the construction of the Panama Canal expanded foreign trade exponentially. With his use of his “Big Stick” policy, he was successful in these endeavors after backing Panamanian rebels in a revolt against Columbia and securing the new country of Panama as an ally. Corbett et al., p. 651. Many protested the imperialistic nature of his actions, in that he claimed most of Latin America off limits to other imperial powers and claimed Cuba and Panama as protectorates of the United States even if they did not necessarily wish to be, due to his military policies and actions to secure this position. It is understandable that many would be outraged at this situation, though they also feared the American reaction should they resist it. Corbett et al., p. …show more content…

Any country whose people conduct themselves well can count upon our hearty friendship.” (Corbett et al., p. 653). While he acted as an imperialist to some, by doing so and bringing in the other nations under the protection of the United States, he allowed progressive interests to prosper in these countries, should they allow it. This way of thinking is further stated as Theodore Roosevelt further established the United States as a global power with his intervention in the Russo-Japanese war. He convened with diplomats from both sides of the war in secret, and in doing so, he secured peace between both nations and won the Nobel Peace Prize, in which he was the first American to receive such an honor. President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented progressive policies with the federal government to pull the United States out of the Great Depression. These new reforms, which would later be termed "The First New Deal," ushered in banking reforms, job generation, economic regulation, and regional