
Essay On Theodore Roosevelt Vs Woodrow Wilson

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Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were both innovative, progressive presidents. Many of their policies were similar, focusing on reform, destruction of monopolies and trusts, and improving conditions of the common American through policy change in Washington. However, in my opinion Theodore Roosevelt unquestionably had the bigger positive impact on American idealism, as he is commemorated on Mount Rushmore and considered one of the “five great” American presidents. Roosevelt was able to have a huge impact on the United States through his lively personality and through strong executive action. He did many things to shape the country including helping Panama gain independence, he negotiated the treaty that ended the Russo-Japanese war, and …show more content…

This also meant that goods being shipped from the east/west coasts were able to get there faster. The Panama Canal is still standing today and continues to be one of the biggest waterways and is a critical trade link for the United States. Even after he left office, Roosevelt continued to work for his ideals. The Progressive Party's New Nationalism in 1912 launched a drive for protective federal regulation that looked forward to the progressive movements of the 1930s and the 1960s. Indeed, Roosevelt's progressive platform encompassed nearly every progressive ideal later enshrined in the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Fair Deal of Harry S. Truman, the New Frontier of John F. Kennedy, and the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson. In addition to the Panama Canal, Roosevelt won a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the treaty that ended the Russo-Japanese war. This also gave a new role to the United States when it came to international diplomacy. By intervening in the Russo-Japanese War when he brought both nations together and mediated an end to the war. This made other countries look at the United States as a more respectable world

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