Are Girls Cyberbully Too Far?

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Do you believe girls cyberbully too much? I believe they do they use social media to bring each other down. They talk bad to each other for others attention or to show out .people have killed their self from cyberbullying, cyberbullying is very bad.some may bully others because it happens to them or it happens at home. Girls use social media to bring each other down and embarrass them.facebook is the #1 social media used for cyberbullying.they use facebook because everyone can see it and because a lot of people have a facebook. Girls get exposed in many ways by pictures,text or because they didn't wanna fight and etc. then ANYONE can comment on it and there behind a screen so you can’t really do anything about a days there is only a few teens who really try to stop cyberbullying. Most teens just laugh and comment very rude comments. They don’t think about how the victim feels. …show more content…

Girls don’t think about bad and good attention they just want attention. Not all attention is good attention many of girls get cyberbully just because another girl wants some attention. Their is a inbox for a reason so everybody is not in yall business. Girls make status because they want everyone to be in the business so they can show out for their friends and get BAD attention. I have seen girls expose a girls picture because of a dude. That is so dumb to me you're going to hurt someone else cause you can’t get a dude. 9/10 none of yall will end up and be with the guy forever so you hurt someone for life for a temporary