People Should Be Prosecuted For Statements Made On Social Media

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I don't think people should be prosecuted for statements made on social media. As people say things about other people all the time talking about celebrities if people dislike a celebrity and openly talk about why would they be criminally prosecuted for hurting the other person's feelings? People should instead go to adults or teachers if they are young and people should be more mature when they are older to not cyberbully. evidence for this is in source 2 where it says “Indeed, the first amendment is regularly limited by legislation but this does not make it some sort of nebulous “privilege” this is talking about how the First Amendment is a right that should not be taken away for hurting someone's feelings. And instead, there should be people …show more content…

Someone might argue that if people do nothing against cyberbullying then it might lead to physical violence and that shouldn’t happen. In source 3 it states “ the lack of immediate emotional feedback in cyberbullying allows aggressors to often continue the hurtful behavior unchecked.” This tells us that cyberbullying happens and often continues because they don’t have emotional feedback from being there and unlike cyberbullying people “immediately see the hurt they have caused to the target” which most people wouldn’t do. What should happen is cyberbullying prevention in schools to deter people from and warn others of the effects of cyberbullying. In source 1 it states “And bypassing the Prevention Act, we’re deterring people from engaging in cyberbullying by showing such behavior punishable by crime that won't be tolerated” although I don’t agree with the punishable by crime statement I do think that people should be warned and deterred from cyberbullying in