
Are Kids Over Subscribed To Drugs Essay

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According to Guy, (2011), America has a ratio of 1 out of ten children who has been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. The popular form of treatment that is prescribed for this mental disorder is medication. It is a really strong medication known as an antipsychotic drugs. Out of the number of children that are prescribed drugs, foster children are prescribed at a greater rate than kids who do not have a mental health disorder. “Concern over their well-being — not to mention the amount it costs to treat them — has prompted the Government Accountability Office to investigate potentially abusive prescribing practices in America’s state foster care systems (Guy, 2011”). Are Kids Over Subscribed to Drugs? There is more and more antipsychotic medication prescribed to children from their pediatric and not the psychiatrist. Pedestrians have written more prescriptions and drug increase has been steady for the last several years. There has been a 25 percent increase since 2006. Two studies by researchers reveal the extinct of the change involving the prescription prescribing practices from the years 2005 to 2009 and those that occurred ten years earlier. The results revealed an increase in antipsychotic use in children and adolescents of 85 percent. This is a much higher rate than …show more content…

National Institute of Mental Health states antidepressants helps to treat anxiety disorders in individuals. Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapin, and Celexa are some medications that are commonly prescribed by physicians. Another form of treatment is Play therapy. This type of treatment is used to treat mental disorders like depression, anxiety, ODD and ADHD in children between ages of 3 thru 12. It involves a non-threatening form of communication in which toys represent words. Art therapy is another form of treatment that is additionally used to treat ADHD, anxiety, depression, and family/relationship

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