
Art Therapy Papers

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If you search Art Therapy in the dictionary it says “art therapy is a form of psychotherapy involving the encouragement of free self-expression through painting, drawing, or modeling, used as a remedial or diagnostic activity”.

Basically what that means is that art therapy is a way of expressing your emotions through various forms of art, which words cannot do. You don’t need to be a talented artist for the therapy to work, there are usually experienced professionals there to help you communicate the feeling that you have through art.

The amazing thing that art therapy does is that it works in a lot of numerous ways, it doesn’t have a specific way to do it, so basically there are no wrong ways or right ways to do it. And usually everyone …show more content…

For example, if there is a filmmaker trying to find himself or even trying to widen his mind art therapy is a great resource.

Generally, anybody can utilize art therapy. In our current reality where there is a large number of approaches to convey and express one's self, art therapy is one of them. The main difference of art therapy towards any other way of communication is that usually, those other forms, they use words as expressiveness, which is not that effective because generally, people have a hard time talking about their feelings and expressing themselves.
The main reason that art is an excellent form of therapy is that it’s proven to work phenomenally for a lot of people. It helps in all types of addiction, it helps increase self-esteem, it helps find hidden emotions and deals with how to express them. It also a big part of helping disabled people.

Art therapists are essential to have studied therapy and art. It’s not easy to become an art therapist, it demands certifications and finishing masters degree. That means that they are experts when it comes to using art as a way of helping people. They can work with any sorts of people of any gender, race and of any age. There are no borders and rules concerning a therapy session, an art therapist can help you individually, as a family, as a group of people, or as a couple, and in some cases, there may be multiple therapists working together as a …show more content…

It is via this procedure that the patient or the client can start to realize the results of the therapy.

There are so many different types of art therapy techniques that can be used, some of them are;

Painting, which is a free form that undertakes creative imaging from an empty canvas, this technique usually uses tools, like brushes and water coloring. Working with coloring helps the therapist interpret and understand the situation clearer.

Drawing, is more familiar to the average client because they work with pencils and pens etc. The therapist normally will let the client understand that the objective of art therapy is not to create fine art yet rather investigate passionate perspectives through ordinary art. They will also determine the used coloring in your design to interpret your emotions and feelings.

Writing, it is not always seen as a visual creative outlet, but it is still a form of art. Some people would seem more conformable through words. This way of expression can help the therapist interpret what the client feels through the way of writing or even some keywords that are

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