Argument Essay: Nature Vs. Nurture

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3pg nature

Rozhanae Figures
Nature vs. nurture
If you think about your life, you were born into this world as a tiny infant with no thoughts, or likings, but as you grew up you have now gained a personal identity, but did it eventually develop with you, or was your identity there with you the whole time. These wonderings are what lead to the considerable disagreements of nature vs nurture. If you suppose you were born already with a personality, then you agree with nature. But if you believe that your personality made you who you are based on the type of environment you were influenced by in your life, then you agree with nurture. Nature is more of the physical image determined by our genes, it is the belief …show more content…

All children are bad at one point of time; For instance, a 3 year old kicks another 3 year old , and is punished at school and gets a time out . Of course he doesn 't like being in time out, but he can figure out that kicking other people isn 't right and won 't do it again. This type of circumstance, shows us how easily people can learn and can be easily influenced by others. Which brings us back to the proposition of nurture, that something is what justifies who we are.
As we get older , we are presented to the outside world, television, internet, and friends are continuously putting new theories in our head but we all can change who we are at any given time . We may have been brought up being yelled at by our peers that lying was bad. But today the media and friend can have a huge impact and change our belief , and convince one that such acts is okay. This shows us that humans are constantly changing and are certainly influenced. I believe in the end, we are still left answering the question are we born this way, or do we act like we do according to our life encounters we’ve come across? This discussion goes on and on, but still, it is a fact that we have traits that are preordained by our genes, but we can also decide who we want to be as we journey throughout our