Analysis Of Anselm's Argument

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When looking through the logic of philosophers from the medieval period of Philosophy and their unconvincing logic, we first look at Anselm. Anselm wanted to prove God existed, Anselm argues that you can prove the existence of God through metaphysic metaphysical analysis, for example: Think of the most perfect being possible. If you can picture the most perfect being in your mind, then it is possible that it exists only in your mind as an example of Plato’s Theory of Forms. Anselm’s argument fails because anything you can imagine can come popping out of your mind if you wished it to be so, If anyone were to sit down and imagine the perfect God or the perfect island, would that perfect God or island even exist outside of their mind, would that …show more content…

Then we look at the second argument of Aquinas, The Argument of Causation- everything that is caused has to be caused by something else, there cannot be an infinite number of causes, and same as argument number one that must mean there is a God since all effects have causes. The Argument from Contingency asks if everything already exists contingently has a reason to do so, does the universe exists for a reason and if the universe has a reason for its existence that that reason must be God. The Aquinas fourth argument the Argument from Degrees Aquinas says in order to compare two things in the terms of good or bad, we must have something to compare it to, this would have to be an absolutely perfect thing aka God. Aquinas’ fifth and final argument is The Teleological Argument- According to Aristotle, everything has a purpose or Telos. If everything in the natural world has purpose, there must be someone who created that purpose, …show more content…

With Aquinas argument for number one, The Argument of the Unmoved Mover brings up, then what created this (first) God. Then we have to ask are there different versions of this God? What God is he talking about, is it one God, a different religion’s version of Gods, are there six Gods, a committee of Gods? His arguments leave more things open for more questions. With this movement of God, we then have to think what first created God, how did he even get here? Then we have to ask how did the universe get here, what started this motion, could it be more than God, could it be things as the big bang, could it be the universe, space, the creation that moves us, was is this force or an energy that started motion in the first place? With argument number two The Argument of Causation we then must ask what are the cause and effects of things, is it something more, is it God or something else, again, what caused God to be here? Then we look at Aquinas The Argument from Contingency-If nothing comes from nothing, then how does it exist, then that would mean that God would not even exist. This also brings up the question that if everything exists is it possible in this way, then how does really