Essay About Underage Drinking

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Here in the Philippines, it is estimated that 60% of young individuals will have at least tried alcohol before then. When we reach the adolescent stage, we already know that we are capable of taking care of ourselves and we can already differentiate what is wrong and what is right. But some other teenagers, they still can’t seem to separate their limits from their top priorities. We all humans have our own freedom, but we sometimes tend to forget that no matter how long the list of the things you want to do is, we still have to bear in mind that not all you spend your freedom for is good. Making the most out of it is not actually a sin or crime. But when it comes to the point that you used your freedom in an uncertain way yet you find it enjoyable …show more content…

First is that underage drinking could lead to someone else’s death because some teenagers nowadays are most likely to put themselves into danger. On the survey we conducted 70% said that they tend to experience side effects from drinking. Some of these side effects may include nausea or vomiting and headache, that causes them to lose their discipline in terms of interacting with people, and also it affects the way they think. An example would be making the decision opposite of what should be done right without even having any idea of what they are doing, acting as if they are …show more content…

From the survey that we conducted, we have found out that it is really true that teenagers are greatly influenced by the people around them. According to conflict perspective, it assumes that social life is shaped by groups and individuals who struggle or compete with one another over various resources and reward resulting in particular distributions of power, wealth, and prestige in societies and social systems. It is in fact a well said statement since we all indeed separate into our own groups and peers. A question why peers are related to underage drinking? Well you see, it can also be a huge threat for some other people since they tend to follow what others are doing, without even having any second thoughts on that specific