Abortion For many years, people have been fighting for their own rights. Life has been viewed in many different ways. Some people have been raised in a household with different mindsets or some just eventually create their own mindset as time passes by. People have different opinions about the way life should be lived. Sometimes they are so caught up on what we want and don’t even realize that the things we want might bring consequences. The consequences may not occur now but eventually in the future. Some women claim that abortion is an ordinary thing. They have a mindset to get rid of their own child. Maybe the pregnancy was unwanted or accidental. More than half percent of the women that abort their baby have been in some cases where birth …show more content…
People are always saying how they want us to have a better world with less crime and a more healthier environment. So by legalizing the law of abortion they are contradicting everything they have said. Whether people knew of all the causes a women can go through after abortion or not it’s still not fair for the baby. Why don’t people legalize killing one another? Why can’t everyone agree with the ways murder happen or how they happen? How can’t they agree with murder or killing but agree to abortion? When abortion is the same thing. It is the same process of taking someone 's life without their concern. To those who agree on abortion. Are they saying it is okay to take someone’s life because of their age? Are they saying killing a teenager or a human being is unfair but killing a baby is okay? Even if a baby is in a womb it still has an age whether is from days or …show more content…
Which means if your uterus is perforated your bladder can be too. It can cause peritonitis; peritonitis is an inflammation caused by a bacteria or infection. The causes of the infection can lead to mild fever and sometimes death. The cause of the bacteria is very painful from the inflammation that can lead up to reparative surgery. Having an abortion can also aware you and lead you to breast cancer. The women who have aborted have the higher risk rates of breast cancer later in life. Breast cancer has risen since abortion became something