Avery Krieg
Ms. Mars
English 12- 1st
14 April 2023
Four-Year College I picture that feeling of throwing my graduation cap in the air. I am surrounded by family, teachers, and classmates, some of which I have known since Kindergarten. I am looking back at all of the memories, lessons, and hard work from high school. I am looking forward to all of the new adventures ahead. What will I choose to do in the future? Making a decision about what to do after high school can be overwhelming and scary. There are different options: trade school, military, two-year colleges, four-year colleges, a gap year, and much more. A four-year college is the best option for me because of learning at a higher level, preparing for the future, and experiencing college
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Continuing education after high school is important because “individuals, society, and colleges and universities benefit” (Hossler). People who go to college after high school often make more money which gives money to the university and helps society function better. I enjoy school, so I am excited to be challenged and learn more about subjects that I am passionate about. Another option is community college which offers “six-month vocational diplomas; one- and two-year vocational, technical, and pre-professional certificates; and two-year programs …leading to an associate degree” (Ratcliff). Although community college is right for some people, it is not the best choice for me because I want a four-year degree. The value of education is different for every culture, community, and family. However, the value of education is large in the workforce. The process of getting a four-year college degree is not easy, but it is important (Hossler). My family puts a strong value on education. Both of my parents went to college and the expectation was for me to do the same. I think getting a college degree is important because it will help me prepare for my future career. The process of earning a four-year degree can be challenging, but I am looking forward to learning new things so I can make a difference in the world with my …show more content…
Students who attend four year olleges “experience the most dramatic adjustment” because they “leav[e] high school, attend[ing] college full-time, and liv[e] on campus” (Love). At most four-year colleges, students live on their own, away from family and friends, and they figure out how they want to live their lives. It is a big change in a student’s life and can be challenging, confusing, and maybe lonely. This change in life is when students grow the most. I expect to struggle in my first year of college, but I also expect to come out of it as a better person. Just because a person goes to college does not mean they will automatically have the perfect experience because “[i]t is difficult to meet new people by just going to class or randomly saying hello to a nice-looking person” (Gwin). I am going to step outside of my comfort zone in order to ensure I have a good experience. A reality television show about college freshmen was filmed at the University of Texas. All of the choices, words, and experiences of a group of college freshman was filmed and broadcast. A group of upperclassmen from Georgetown University watched the series and laughed at the accuracy (Farrell). When people hear the phrase “college experience” they think of drinking, partying, and young people making bad choices. College is supposed to be the most exciting time of a person’s life and some people feel the