Argumentative Essay On African Americans

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This article states that the larger the black population in a state, the less money they receive. Upon reading this article and more, most people would stand alongside this argument. African-Americans in America should be receiving an equal amount of welfare because they are also human beings, this race makes up most of the poverty population, and people are most in need of financial aid to support themselves and their families. African-American families should receive welfare aid as much as any other race because firstly, they are human. African-Americans are human beings just like everyone else and no human being should get less aid to support themselves and/or their family’s due to the colour of one’s skin and where one lives. Only 16.8% …show more content…

Lastly, they need financial aid to support themselves and their families. African-Americans should receive more welfare aid in order to support themselves and their families. Many black children are dying due to starvation because their families do not have enough money to feed them to keep them alive. 10% of black children in America have died due to the states racial judgement with the distribution of welfare. It is ironic how racism was frowned upon during the early 2000’s and in the 90’s, everyone would think that racism does not exist anymore but it is now making its way up the scale as racism is being shown in many ways most do not even consider, such as this very topic about racial poverty in America. The three statements above, African-Americans are human beings just like everyone else, their race is the greatest that suffers from poverty, and that they need financial help to support themselves and their loved ones, help argue the point that African-Americans should receive the equal amount of welfare as any other race out